Review: Sh*t To Say
Identified hosts?
Yes. Laci Jordan
Explained what the show is about?
Yes. Pop/black culture, entertainment, design, art, career.
Time to topic
Less than two minutes. Perfect.
Good chemistry among host(s)?
It was Laci and her mother, Rosemary. There chemistry was natural. Laci steered the show and Rosemary typically chimed in when Laci asked her a question or pitched to her.
Show structure/type
Host with guest discussing various topics.
Topic(s) discussed
Bill O’Reilly insulting Maxine Waters’ hair |Sean Spicer telling April Ryan to stop shaking her head | the #blackWomenAtWork hashtag | Rosemary spoke about her experience as a black woman. She spoke about an event where a white man was yanking himself in front her (and a bunch of other kids) at a bus stop when she was a kid. She spoke about another dude (a lawyer she planned to hire for a divorce) that fondled himself in front of her. Note: What’s really good with these dudes!? They went on to speak about hair issues at work, a Revision Path podcast episode where they talked about using a job descriptions perks to dictate the majority race of the employees already working at the company. They talked about being a team player | personal branding | Adidas and their dealings with white women vs black women | Angela Rye on CNN talking about Spicer vs April. Laci shed some more light how the show works. The structure will be appetizer, main course and dessert. She gave a salute to her mother and then interviewed her about being a creative. Laci spoke about her struggles with being dark-skinned as a child. They talked about her mother’s dreams from back in the day and they had a discussion about “doing too much” vs focusing on one thing | reinventing yourself | what will be Rosemary’s next move | what Rosemary would go back and change | putting yourself out there | Laci’s ability to DO, not just SAY. Rosemary said if you do what you love to do, it will fulfill you | Laci said the time is never “right”, just DO it | they went to a lightning round/dessert – What does your childhood smell like? What would this chapter of your life be called? Top 5 musicians. Favorite place to trap out of. Top 5 words of advice for those trying to build something on the side.
Audio quality
I think Laci took the step to actually get a microphone. This is a basic step that a lot of new podcasters miss. She sounded great.
Absolutely. Laci and Rosemary’s passion shines through easily via their personalities.
Mentioned socials/site(s)?
yup. mentioned her site
Mentioned schedule?
No. By the time I wrote this episode 2 was published and it looks like there was a month’s wait between the episodes. So maybe it’s monthly?
Mentioned hashtag?
No. I’d suggest #shitToSay or #shitToSayPod. The former looks unused on Twitter, while the latter looks underused.
Asked anything of the audience/call-to-action(CTA)?
No. I would recommend her asking the listeners to share the episode or come chat with her on Twitter.
Although, I will say, when she mentioned what she liked to do on her IG Stories, I was like “hmmm…I need to check that out”. So while it wasn’t a direct ask…it still could be looked at as a subtle promo.
I was hooked right from the beginning because she took a shot with her mother. Also, the fact that she’s comfortably speaking her mind while her mother is there was very intriguing to me. I don’t have that level of comfort with my mother.
Anyway…so for some reason, I feel like I’ve previously heard of Laci or her pins…can’t really remember. I just don’t feel like this is my first encounter with her.
So…as far as the show…this episode was dope. I liked that she broke down the structure as a three course meal. There was an appetizer, main course and dessert. Also, I loved that her very first guest was her mother.
Laci sounded very comfortable and passionate. I hope in the future she can expound on the backstory of her pins. I think a lot of people would be interested in that story.
So a few things…
I’d definitely recommend Laci mention a hashtag during the show and invite listeners to come chat (she’s mentioning topics that people would LOVE to sound off about). I’d also recommend publishing each episode on their own page on the site so she can provide show notes and share direct links to each episode. For instance, during the show, she could say “for links to everything I mentioned, go to solacilike.com/show1” and then provide links to some of the things she talked about. For this first episode, on the show notes page, she could provide links to her pins, a link to the Maxine Waters/O’Reilly incident, the #blackWomenAtWork hashtag and more. I linked what I could below.
I saw she had a email list as well (I signed up). I’d recommend she verbally invite people to join her email list.
Also, as I noted earlier, Laci briefly mentioned on the show that she’d been thinking about making pins for a long time. She finally did and they sold out quickly. I think people in her audience would love to hear about this. How long had she been thinking about it, where’d the inspiration come from, how exactly she promoted it, what tech she used to make it happen, how much money she made (if she’s comfortable sharing that info, obviously) and more. She could make that a free lead magnet (to get people on her email list) or charge for it. Personally, I’d play the long game and give it away free (in exchange for an email address). So she could sponsor herself at the beginning of her show like “hey guys, welcome to the Shit to Say podcast. This episode is brought to you by Solacilike.com. Go sign up for the email list to find out how I sold out x amount of pins in x amount of days”…or something like that.
Another thing I’d do, is reach out to the folks who’s tweets Laci referenced during the show. She could just say, “hey, I mentioned your tweet in my podcast episode”. They might listen AND it’s likely they’re in her target audience. If they don’t listen, no worries. It costs nothing to send a tweet.
I get the vibe that Laci knows and understands her potential with the podcast. I think she’s going to do well in the space.
Link to episode
Link to socials
Laci’s Twitter | Instagram
Other links
Laci’s site
Laci’s pins
Bill O’Reilly’s comments about Maxine Waters
Bill’s apology
Sean Spicer vs April Ryan (reactions included)
Brittany Packnett standing up for Maxine and April:
I see mediocre white men still think they can come for accomplished black women.
— Brittany Packnett (@MsPackyetti) March 28, 2017
The #blackWomenAtWork tweets Laci mentioned:
#BlackWomenAtWork I corrected a white female coworker, she cried, we ended up in a meeting with management. Mgr said “be nicer if you can”. pic.twitter.com/FMDNROIHw2
— Michonne Grimes (@tammie_grier) March 28, 2017
Actually got fired for not being a “team player” bc I wouldn’t hang out outside of work, or eat lunch w group. #BlackWomenAtWork
— Chi Chi Rodriguez (@D0MXNXQUE) March 28, 2017
Dave Meyers’ Director Credits
Be Humble Video
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